Development guide ================= This page summarizes docs for developers of NNSVS. If you want to contribute to NNSVS itself, please check the document below. Installation ------------ For development purposes, it is recommended to install full requirements with editiable mode (``-e`` with pip) enabled: .. code:: pip install -e ".[dev,lint,test,docs]" This allows your local changes available to your python environment without manually re-installing NNSVS. Repository structure --------------------- Here's the list of important components of the NNSVS repository: - ``nnsvs``: The core Python library. Neural network implementations for SVS systems can be found here. - ``recipes``: Recipes. The recipes are written mostly in bash and YAML-style configs. Some recipes use small Python scripts. - ``docs``: Documentation. It is written by `Sphinx `_. - ``notebooks``: Jupyter notebooks. Notebooks are helpful for interactive debugging and development. - ``utils``: Utility scripts that are used by the recipes. - ``tests``: Tests Python docstring style ---------------------- NNSVS follows the `Google's style `_. If you write a docstrings for your new functinoality, please follow the same style. Formatting and linting ---------------------- is used for formatting and linting. Please run the following commands when you make a PR. Formatting ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: pysen run format Linting ^^^^^^^ .. code:: pysen run lint Tests ----- To prevent unintentional bugs, it is better to write tests as much as possible. If you propose a new function, please consdier to write tests. You can run the tests by the following command: .. code:: pytest -v -s Please make sure tests are all passing before making a PR. Building docs locally --------------------- Run the following command at the top of nnsvs directory: .. code:: sphinx-autobuild docs docs/_build/html/