Defining your custom model

Your PyTorch models can be used with NNSVS.

NNSVS allows you to define your custom model easily. If you want your custom model to be used with NNSVS, you can implement your own by inheriting the nnsvs.base.BaseModel class.

Write your PyTorch model


If you are not familiar with PyTorch, please check the PyTorch’s documentation first.

A simplest example is shown below.

from nnsvs.base import BaseModel
from torch import nn

class MyModel(BaseModel):
    """My awesome neural network

        in_dim (int): input dimension
        hidden_dim (int): hidden dimension
        out_dim (int): output dimension

    def __init__(self, in_dim, hidden_dim, out_dim):
        self.model = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(in_dim, hidden_dim),
            nn.Linear(hidden_dim, out_dim)

    def forward(self, x, lengths=None, y=None):
        """Forward pass

            x (torch.Tensor): input tensor
            lengths (torch.Tensor): input sequence lengths
            y (torch.Tensor): target tensor (optional)

            torch.Tensor: output tensor
        return self.model(x)

The above is a toy example defining a model with simple two-layer feed-forward neural networks with ReLU activation function. lengths and y are optional arguments. The model name, number of arguments, and model architecture are totally customizable.

If you follow the nnsvs.base.BaseModel interface, your model can be used as time-lag/duration/acoustic models.

Specify your model in model configs

Once you implement your model, you can use your model by changing your model configs like:

_target_: ${}
# the followings are arguments passed to your model's __init__ method
in_dim: 331
hidden_dim: 32
out_dim: 1

Note that your model must be in the PYTHONPATH. If you edit nnsvs/ directly, you can specify your new model as:

_target_: nnsvs.model.MyModel
# the followings are arguments passed to your model's __init__ method
in_dim: 331
hidden_dim: 32
out_dim: 1

If you add a new file at nnsvs/ for example, you can refer your model by:

_target_: nnsvs.test.MyModel
# the followings are arguments passed to your model's __init__ method
in_dim: 331
hidden_dim: 32
out_dim: 1

That’s it.

Available model types

You may want to know what models are implemented and what are missing? Please check the following docs for the available models:

If you find you model works well, please feel to free to make pull requests to the NNSVS repository.