Source code for nnsvs.acoustic_models.tacotron_f0

import numpy as np
import torch
from nnsvs.acoustic_models.util import pad_inference
from nnsvs.base import BaseModel, PredictionType
from nnsvs.mdn import MDNLayer, mdn_get_most_probable_sigma_and_mu, mdn_get_sample
from nnsvs.tacotron.decoder import Prenet, ZoneOutCell
from nnsvs.util import init_weights
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pack_padded_sequence, pad_packed_sequence

__all__ = [

[docs] class ResF0NonAttentiveDecoder(BaseModel): """Duration-informed Tacotron with residual F0 prediction. Args: in_dim (int) : dimension of encoder hidden layer out_dim (int) : dimension of output layers (int) : number of LSTM layers hidden_dim (int) : dimension of hidden layer prenet_layers (int) : number of pre-net layers prenet_hidden_dim (int) : dimension of pre-net hidden layer prenet_dropout (float) : dropout rate of pre-net zoneout (float) : zoneout rate reduction_factor (int) : reduction factor downsample_by_conv (bool) : if True, downsample by convolution scaled_tanh (bool) : if True, use scaled tanh for residual F0 prediction in_lf0_idx (int): index of lf0 in input features in_lf0_min (float): minimum of lf0 in the training data of input features in_lf0_max (float): maximum of lf0 in the training data of input features out_lf0_idx (int): index of lf0 in output features out_lf0_mean (float): mean of lf0 in the training data of output features out_lf0_scale (float): scale of lf0 in the training data of output features init_type (str): initialization type eval_dropout (bool): if True, use dropout in evaluation """ def __init__( self, in_dim=512, out_dim=1, layers=2, hidden_dim=1024, prenet_layers=2, prenet_hidden_dim=256, prenet_dropout=0.5, zoneout=0.1, reduction_factor=1, downsample_by_conv=False, scaled_tanh=True, # NOTE: you must carefully set the following parameters in_lf0_idx=300, in_lf0_min=5.3936276, in_lf0_max=6.491111, out_lf0_idx=180, out_lf0_mean=5.953093881972361, out_lf0_scale=0.23435173188961034, init_type="none", eval_dropout=True, ): super().__init__() self.out_dim = out_dim self.reduction_factor = reduction_factor self.prenet_dropout = prenet_dropout self.scaled_tanh = scaled_tanh self.in_lf0_idx = in_lf0_idx self.in_lf0_min = in_lf0_min self.in_lf0_max = in_lf0_max self.out_lf0_idx = out_lf0_idx self.out_lf0_mean = out_lf0_mean self.out_lf0_scale = out_lf0_scale if prenet_layers > 0: self.prenet = Prenet( out_dim, prenet_layers, prenet_hidden_dim, prenet_dropout, eval_dropout=eval_dropout, ) lstm_in_dim = in_dim + prenet_hidden_dim else: self.prenet = None prenet_hidden_dim = 0 lstm_in_dim = in_dim + out_dim self.lstm = nn.ModuleList() for layer in range(layers): lstm = nn.LSTMCell( lstm_in_dim if layer == 0 else hidden_dim, hidden_dim, ) self.lstm += [ZoneOutCell(lstm, zoneout)] proj_in_dim = in_dim + hidden_dim self.feat_out = nn.Linear(proj_in_dim, out_dim * reduction_factor, bias=False) if reduction_factor > 1 and downsample_by_conv: self.conv_downsample = nn.Conv1d( in_dim, in_dim, kernel_size=reduction_factor, stride=reduction_factor, groups=in_dim, ) else: self.conv_downsample = None init_weights(self, init_type) def _zero_state(self, hs): init_hs = hs.new_zeros(hs.size(0), self.lstm[0].hidden_size) return init_hs def is_autoregressive(self): return True def has_residual_lf0_prediction(self): return True def forward(self, encoder_outs, in_lens, decoder_targets=None): """Forward step Args: encoder_outs (torch.Tensor): encoder outputs (B, T, C) in_lens (torch.Tensor): input lengths decoder_targets (torch.Tensor): decoder targets for teacher-forcing. (B, T, C) Returns: torch.Tensor: the output (B, C, T) """ is_inference = decoder_targets is None if not is_inference: assert encoder_outs.shape[1] == decoder_targets.shape[1] # Denormalize lf0 from input musical score lf0_score = encoder_outs[:, :, self.in_lf0_idx].unsqueeze(-1) lf0_score_denorm = ( lf0_score * (self.in_lf0_max - self.in_lf0_min) + self.in_lf0_min ) # (B, T, C) -> (B, C, T) lf0_score_denorm = lf0_score_denorm.transpose(1, 2) # To avoid unbounded residual f0 that would potentially cause artifacts, # let's constrain the residual F0 to be in a certain range by the scaled tanh residual_f0_max_cent = 600 max_lf0_ratio = residual_f0_max_cent * np.log(2) / 1200 # Adjust number of frames according to the reduction factor # (B, Lmax, out_dim) -> (B, Lmax/r, out_dim) if self.reduction_factor > 1 and not is_inference: decoder_targets = decoder_targets[ :, self.reduction_factor - 1 :: self.reduction_factor ] if self.reduction_factor > 1: if self.conv_downsample is not None: encoder_outs = self.conv_downsample( encoder_outs.transpose(1, 2) ).transpose(1, 2) else: encoder_outs = encoder_outs[ :, self.reduction_factor - 1 :: self.reduction_factor ] h_list, c_list = [], [] for _ in range(len(self.lstm)): h_list.append(self._zero_state(encoder_outs)) c_list.append(self._zero_state(encoder_outs)) go_frame = encoder_outs.new_zeros(encoder_outs.size(0), self.out_dim) prev_out = go_frame if not is_inference and self.prenet is not None: prenet_outs = self.prenet(decoder_targets) outs = [] lf0_residuals = [] for t in range(encoder_outs.shape[1]): # Pre-Net if self.prenet is not None: if is_inference: prenet_out = self.prenet(prev_out) else: prenet_out = prenet_outs[:, t, :] else: prenet_out = F.dropout(prev_out, self.prenet_dropout, training=True) # LSTM xs =[encoder_outs[:, t], prenet_out], dim=1) h_list[0], c_list[0] = self.lstm[0](xs, (h_list[0], c_list[0])) for i in range(1, len(self.lstm)): h_list[i], c_list[i] = self.lstm[i]( h_list[i - 1], (h_list[i], c_list[i]) ) # Output hcs =[h_list[-1], encoder_outs[:, t]], dim=1) out = self.feat_out(hcs).view(encoder_outs.size(0), self.out_dim, -1) # Residual F0 if self.scaled_tanh: lf0_residual = max_lf0_ratio * torch.tanh( out[:, self.out_lf0_idx, :] ).unsqueeze(1) else: lf0_residual = out[:, self.out_lf0_idx, :].unsqueeze(1) # Residual connection in the denormalized f0 domain lf0_score_denorm_t = lf0_score_denorm[ :, :, t * self.reduction_factor : (t + 1) * self.reduction_factor ] lf0_pred_denorm = lf0_score_denorm_t + lf0_residual # Back to normalized f0 lf0_pred = (lf0_pred_denorm - self.out_lf0_mean) / self.out_lf0_scale out[:, self.out_lf0_idx, :] = lf0_pred.squeeze(1) outs.append(out) lf0_residuals.append(lf0_residual) # Update decoder input for the next time step if is_inference: prev_out = outs[-1][:, :, -1] # (1, out_dim) else: # Teacher forcing prev_out = decoder_targets[:, t, :] outs =, dim=2) # (B, out_dim, Lmax) lf0_residuals =, dim=2) # (B, out_dim, Lmax) # (B, C, T) -> (B, T, C) outs = outs.transpose(1, 2) lf0_residuals = lf0_residuals.transpose(1, 2) return outs, lf0_residuals def inference(self, x, lengths=None): return pad_inference( model=self, x=x, lengths=lengths, reduction_factor=self.reduction_factor )
[docs] class MDNResF0NonAttentiveDecoder(BaseModel): """Duration-informed Tacotron with residual F0 prediction (MDN-version) Args: in_dim (int) : dimension of encoder hidden layer out_dim (int) : dimension of output layers (int) : number of LSTM layers hidden_dim (int) : dimension of hidden layer prenet_layers (int) : number of pre-net layers prenet_hidden_dim (int) : dimension of pre-net hidden layer prenet_dropout (float) : dropout rate of pre-net zoneout (float) : zoneout rate reduction_factor (int) : reduction factor downsample_by_conv (bool) : if True, downsample by convolution scaled_tanh (bool) : if True, use scaled tanh for residual F0 prediction num_gaussians (int) : number of Gaussian sampling_mode (str) : sampling mode in_lf0_idx (int): index of lf0 in input features in_lf0_min (float): minimum of lf0 in the training data of input features in_lf0_max (float): maximum of lf0 in the training data of input features out_lf0_idx (int): index of lf0 in output features out_lf0_mean (float): mean of lf0 in the training data of output features out_lf0_scale (float): scale of lf0 in the training data of output features init_type (str): initialization type eval_dropout (bool): if True, use dropout in evaluation """ def __init__( self, in_dim=512, out_dim=80, layers=2, hidden_dim=1024, prenet_layers=2, prenet_hidden_dim=256, prenet_dropout=0.5, zoneout=0.1, reduction_factor=1, downsample_by_conv=False, scaled_tanh=True, num_gaussians=4, sampling_mode="mean", # NOTE: you must carefully set the following parameters in_lf0_idx=300, in_lf0_min=5.3936276, in_lf0_max=6.491111, out_lf0_idx=180, out_lf0_mean=5.953093881972361, out_lf0_scale=0.23435173188961034, init_type="none", eval_dropout=True, ): super().__init__() self.out_dim = out_dim self.reduction_factor = reduction_factor self.prenet_dropout = prenet_dropout self.scaled_tanh = scaled_tanh self.in_lf0_idx = in_lf0_idx self.in_lf0_min = in_lf0_min self.in_lf0_max = in_lf0_max self.out_lf0_idx = out_lf0_idx self.out_lf0_mean = out_lf0_mean self.out_lf0_scale = out_lf0_scale self.num_gaussians = num_gaussians self.sampling_mode = sampling_mode assert sampling_mode in ["mean", "random"] if prenet_layers > 0: self.prenet = Prenet( out_dim, prenet_layers, prenet_hidden_dim, prenet_dropout, eval_dropout=eval_dropout, ) lstm_in_dim = in_dim + prenet_hidden_dim else: self.prenet = None prenet_hidden_dim = 0 lstm_in_dim = in_dim + out_dim self.lstm = nn.ModuleList() for layer in range(layers): lstm = nn.LSTMCell( lstm_in_dim if layer == 0 else hidden_dim, hidden_dim, ) self.lstm += [ZoneOutCell(lstm, zoneout)] proj_in_dim = in_dim + hidden_dim self.feat_out = MDNLayer( proj_in_dim, out_dim * reduction_factor, num_gaussians=num_gaussians, dim_wise=True, ) if reduction_factor > 1 and downsample_by_conv: self.conv_downsample = nn.Conv1d( in_dim, in_dim, kernel_size=reduction_factor, stride=reduction_factor, groups=in_dim, ) else: self.conv_downsample = None init_weights(self, init_type) def _zero_state(self, hs): init_hs = hs.new_zeros(hs.size(0), self.lstm[0].hidden_size) return init_hs def prediction_type(self): return PredictionType.PROBABILISTIC def is_autoregressive(self): return True def has_residual_lf0_prediction(self): return True def forward(self, encoder_outs, in_lens, decoder_targets=None): """Forward step Args: encoder_outs (torch.Tensor): encoder outputs (B, T, C) in_lens (torch.Tensor): input lengths decoder_targets (torch.Tensor): decoder targets for teacher-forcing. (B, T, C) Returns: torch.Tensor: the output (B, C, T) """ is_inference = decoder_targets is None if not is_inference: assert encoder_outs.shape[1] == decoder_targets.shape[1] # Denormalize lf0 from input musical score lf0_score = encoder_outs[:, :, self.in_lf0_idx].unsqueeze(-1) lf0_score_denorm = ( lf0_score * (self.in_lf0_max - self.in_lf0_min) + self.in_lf0_min ) # (B, T, C) -> (B, C, T) # (B, T, C) # lf0_score_denorm = lf0_score_denorm.transpose(1, 2) # To avoid unbounded residual f0 that would potentially cause artifacts, # let's constrain the residual F0 to be in a certain range by the scaled tanh residual_f0_max_cent = 600 max_lf0_ratio = residual_f0_max_cent * np.log(2) / 1200 # Adjust number of frames according to the reduction factor # (B, Lmax, out_dim) -> (B, Lmax/r, out_dim) if self.reduction_factor > 1 and not is_inference: decoder_targets = decoder_targets[ :, self.reduction_factor - 1 :: self.reduction_factor ] if self.reduction_factor > 1: if self.conv_downsample is not None: encoder_outs = self.conv_downsample( encoder_outs.transpose(1, 2) ).transpose(1, 2) else: encoder_outs = encoder_outs[ :, self.reduction_factor - 1 :: self.reduction_factor ] h_list, c_list = [], [] for _ in range(len(self.lstm)): h_list.append(self._zero_state(encoder_outs)) c_list.append(self._zero_state(encoder_outs)) go_frame = encoder_outs.new_zeros(encoder_outs.size(0), self.out_dim) prev_out = go_frame if not is_inference and self.prenet is not None: prenet_outs = self.prenet(decoder_targets) mus = [] log_pis = [] log_sigmas = [] lf0_residuals = [] mus_inf = [] for t in range(encoder_outs.shape[1]): # Pre-Net if self.prenet is not None: if is_inference: prenet_out = self.prenet(prev_out) else: prenet_out = prenet_outs[:, t, :] else: prenet_out = F.dropout(prev_out, self.prenet_dropout, training=True) # LSTM xs =[encoder_outs[:, t], prenet_out], dim=1) h_list[0], c_list[0] = self.lstm[0](xs, (h_list[0], c_list[0])) for i in range(1, len(self.lstm)): h_list[i], c_list[i] = self.lstm[i]( h_list[i - 1], (h_list[i], c_list[i]) ) # Output hcs =[h_list[-1], encoder_outs[:, t]], dim=1) log_pi, log_sigma, mu = self.feat_out(hcs.unsqueeze(1)) # (B, reduction_factor, num_gaussians, out_dim) log_pi = ( log_pi.transpose(1, 2) .view(encoder_outs.size(0), self.num_gaussians, -1, self.out_dim) .transpose(1, 2) ) log_sigma = ( log_sigma.transpose(1, 2) .view(encoder_outs.size(0), self.num_gaussians, -1, self.out_dim) .transpose(1, 2) ) mu = ( mu.transpose(1, 2) .view(encoder_outs.size(0), self.num_gaussians, -1, self.out_dim) .transpose(1, 2) ) # Residual F0 # (B, reduction_factor, num_gaussians) if self.scaled_tanh: lf0_residual = max_lf0_ratio * torch.tanh(mu[:, :, :, self.out_lf0_idx]) else: lf0_residual = mu[:, :, :, self.out_lf0_idx] # Residual connection in the denormalized f0 domain lf0_score_denorm_t = lf0_score_denorm[ :, t * self.reduction_factor : (t + 1) * self.reduction_factor, : ] # NOTE: broadcast against num_gaussians axis # (B, 1, 1) + (B, 1, num_gaussians) -> (B, 1, num_gaussians) lf0_pred_denorm = lf0_score_denorm_t + lf0_residual # Back to normalized f0 lf0_pred = (lf0_pred_denorm - self.out_lf0_mean) / self.out_lf0_scale mu[:, :, :, self.out_lf0_idx] = lf0_pred mus.append(mu) log_pis.append(log_pi) log_sigmas.append(log_sigma) lf0_residuals.append(lf0_residual) # Update decoder input for the next time step if is_inference: # (B, reduction_factor, out_dim) if self.sampling_mode == "mean": _, mu = mdn_get_most_probable_sigma_and_mu(log_pi, log_sigma, mu) elif self.sampling_mode == "random": mu = mdn_get_sample(log_pi, log_sigma, mu) # Feed last sample for the feedback loop prev_out = mu[:, -1] mus_inf.append(mu) else: # Teacher forcing prev_out = decoder_targets[:, t, :] # (B, T, G, out_dim) mus =, dim=1) log_pis =, dim=1) log_sigmas =, dim=1) # (B, T, num_gaussians) lf0_residuals =, dim=1) if is_inference: mu =, dim=1) # TODO: may need to track sigma. For now we only use mu return mu, mu else: return (log_pis, log_sigmas, mus), lf0_residuals def inference(self, x, lengths=None): return pad_inference( model=self, x=x, lengths=lengths, reduction_factor=self.reduction_factor, mdn=True, )
[docs] class BiLSTMResF0NonAttentiveDecoder(BaseModel): """BiLSTM-based encoder + duration-informed Tacotron with residual F0 prediction. Args: in_dim (int) : dimension of encoder hidden layer ff_hidden_dim (int): Hidden dimension of feed-forward layers in the encoder. conv_hidden_dim (int): Hidden dimension of convolution layers in the encoder. lstm_hidden_dim (int): Hidden dimension of LSTM layers in the encoder. num_lstm_layers (int): Number of LSTM layers in the encoder. out_dim (int) : dimension of output layers (int) : number of LSTM layers hidden_dim (int) : dimension of hidden layer prenet_layers (int) : number of pre-net layers prenet_hidden_dim (int) : dimension of pre-net hidden layer prenet_dropout (float) : dropout rate of pre-net zoneout (float) : zoneout rate reduction_factor (int) : reduction factor downsample_by_conv (bool) : if True, downsample by convolution scaled_tanh (bool) : if True, use scaled tanh for residual F0 prediction in_lf0_idx (int): index of lf0 in input features in_lf0_min (float): minimum of lf0 in the training data of input features in_lf0_max (float): maximum of lf0 in the training data of input features out_lf0_idx (int): index of lf0 in output features out_lf0_mean (float): mean of lf0 in the training data of output features out_lf0_scale (float): scale of lf0 in the training data of output features use_mdn (bool): if True, use mixture density network for F0 prediction num_gaussians (int): number of gaussians in MDN sampling_mode (str): sampling mode in inference. "mean" or "random" in_ph_start_idx (int): Start index of phoneme features. in_ph_end_idx (int): End index of phoneme features. embed_dim (int): Embedding dimension. init_type (str): initialization type """ def __init__( self, in_dim=512, ff_hidden_dim=2048, conv_hidden_dim=1024, lstm_hidden_dim=256, num_lstm_layers=2, dropout=0.0, out_dim=80, decoder_layers=2, decoder_hidden_dim=1024, prenet_layers=2, prenet_hidden_dim=256, prenet_dropout=0.5, zoneout=0.1, reduction_factor=1, downsample_by_conv=False, scaled_tanh=True, # NOTE: you must carefully set the following parameters in_lf0_idx=300, in_lf0_min=5.3936276, in_lf0_max=6.491111, out_lf0_idx=180, out_lf0_mean=5.953093881972361, out_lf0_scale=0.23435173188961034, use_mdn=False, num_gaussians=4, sampling_mode="mean", in_ph_start_idx: int = 1, in_ph_end_idx: int = 50, embed_dim=None, init_type="none", ): super().__init__() self.reduction_factor = reduction_factor self.in_lf0_idx = in_lf0_idx self.in_lf0_min = in_lf0_min self.in_lf0_max = in_lf0_max self.out_lf0_idx = out_lf0_idx self.out_lf0_mean = out_lf0_mean self.out_lf0_scale = out_lf0_scale self.use_mdn = use_mdn self.in_dim = in_dim self.in_ph_start_idx = in_ph_start_idx self.in_ph_end_idx = in_ph_end_idx self.num_vocab = in_ph_end_idx - in_ph_start_idx self.embed_dim = embed_dim if self.embed_dim is not None: assert in_dim > self.num_vocab self.emb = nn.Embedding(self.num_vocab, embed_dim) self.fc_in = nn.Linear(in_dim - self.num_vocab, embed_dim) in_ff_dim = embed_dim else: in_ff_dim = in_dim # Encoder # NOTE: can be simply replaced by a BiLSTM? # so far I use sinsy like architecture self.ff = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(in_ff_dim, ff_hidden_dim), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(ff_hidden_dim, ff_hidden_dim), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(ff_hidden_dim, ff_hidden_dim), nn.ReLU(), ) self.conv = nn.Sequential( nn.ReflectionPad1d(3), nn.Conv1d(ff_hidden_dim + 1, conv_hidden_dim, kernel_size=7, padding=0), nn.BatchNorm1d(conv_hidden_dim), nn.ReLU(), nn.ReflectionPad1d(3), nn.Conv1d(conv_hidden_dim, conv_hidden_dim, kernel_size=7, padding=0), nn.BatchNorm1d(conv_hidden_dim), nn.ReLU(), nn.ReflectionPad1d(3), nn.Conv1d(conv_hidden_dim, conv_hidden_dim, kernel_size=7, padding=0), nn.BatchNorm1d(conv_hidden_dim), nn.ReLU(), ) self.lstm = nn.LSTM( conv_hidden_dim, lstm_hidden_dim, num_lstm_layers, bidirectional=True, batch_first=True, dropout=dropout, ) # Autoregressive decoder decoder_in_dim = 2 * lstm_hidden_dim + 1 # NOTE: hard code in_lf0_idx to -1 cls = MDNResF0NonAttentiveDecoder if use_mdn else ResF0NonAttentiveDecoder if use_mdn: ex_kwargs = {"num_gaussians": num_gaussians, "sampling_mode": sampling_mode} else: ex_kwargs = {} self.decoder = cls( in_dim=decoder_in_dim, out_dim=out_dim, layers=decoder_layers, hidden_dim=decoder_hidden_dim, prenet_layers=prenet_layers, prenet_hidden_dim=prenet_hidden_dim, prenet_dropout=prenet_dropout, zoneout=zoneout, reduction_factor=reduction_factor, downsample_by_conv=downsample_by_conv, scaled_tanh=scaled_tanh, in_lf0_idx=-1, in_lf0_min=in_lf0_min, in_lf0_max=in_lf0_max, out_lf0_idx=out_lf0_idx, out_lf0_mean=out_lf0_mean, out_lf0_scale=out_lf0_scale, **ex_kwargs, ) init_weights(self, init_type) def _set_lf0_params(self): # Special care for residual F0 prediction models # NOTE: don't overwrite out_lf0_idx and in_lf0_idx if hasattr(self.decoder, "out_lf0_mean"): self.decoder.in_lf0_min = self.in_lf0_min self.decoder.in_lf0_max = self.in_lf0_max self.decoder.out_lf0_mean = self.out_lf0_mean self.decoder.out_lf0_scale = self.out_lf0_scale def is_autoregressive(self): return self.decoder.is_autoregressive() def prediction_type(self): return ( PredictionType.PROBABILISTIC if self.use_mdn else PredictionType.DETERMINISTIC ) def has_residual_lf0_prediction(self): return True def forward(self, x, lengths=None, y=None): self._set_lf0_params() lf0_score = x[:, :, self.in_lf0_idx].unsqueeze(-1) if self.embed_dim is not None: x_first, x_ph_onehot, x_last = torch.split( x, [ self.in_ph_start_idx, self.num_vocab, self.in_dim - self.num_vocab - self.in_ph_start_idx, ], dim=-1, ) x_ph = torch.argmax(x_ph_onehot, dim=-1) # Make sure to have one-hot vector assert (x_ph_onehot.sum(-1) <= 1).all() x = self.emb(x_ph) + self.fc_in([x_first, x_last], dim=-1)) if isinstance(lengths, torch.Tensor): lengths ="cpu") out = self.ff(x) out =[out, lf0_score], dim=-1) out = self.conv(out.transpose(1, 2)).transpose(1, 2) sequence = pack_padded_sequence(out, lengths, batch_first=True) out, _ = self.lstm(sequence) out, _ = pad_packed_sequence(out, batch_first=True) # NOTE: need to concat the lf0 score to the output of the lstm to tell # the decoder the lf0 out =[out, lf0_score], dim=-1) outs, lf0_residual = self.decoder(out, lengths, y) return outs, lf0_residual def inference(self, x, lengths=None): return pad_inference( model=self, x=x, lengths=lengths, reduction_factor=self.reduction_factor, mdn=self.use_mdn, )