Source code for nnsvs.dsp

import torch
from scipy import signal
from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F

# Part of code was adapted from:

[docs] def lowpass_filter(x, fs, cutoff=5, N=5): """Lowpass filter Args: x (np.ndarray): input signal fs (int): sampling rate cutoff (int): cutoff frequency Returns: np.ndarray: filtered signal """ nyquist = fs // 2 norm_cutoff = cutoff / nyquist Wn = [norm_cutoff] b, a = signal.butter(N, Wn, "lowpass") if len(x) <= max(len(a), len(b)) * (N // 2 + 1): # NOTE: input signal is too short return x # NOTE: use zero-phase filter y = signal.filtfilt(b, a, x) return y
[docs] def bandpass_filter(x, sr, cutoff=70): """Band-pass filter Args: x (np.ndarray): input signal fs (int): sampling rate cutoff (int): cutoff frequency Returns: np.ndarray: filtered signal """ nyquist = sr // 2 norm_cutoff = cutoff / nyquist Wn = [norm_cutoff, 0.999] b, a = signal.butter(5, Wn, "bandpass") y = signal.filtfilt(b, a, x) return y
class TimeInvFIRFilter(nn.Conv1d): """Time-invatiant FIR filter implementation Args: channels (int): input channels filt_coef (torch.Tensor): FIR filter coefficients causal (bool): causal requires_grad (bool): trainable kernel or not """ def __init__(self, channels, filt_coef, causal=True, requires_grad=False): # assuming 1-D filter coef vector and odd num taps assert len(filt_coef.shape) == 1 # assert len(filt_coef) % 2 == 1 kernel_size = len(filt_coef) self.causal = causal if causal: padding = (kernel_size - 1) * 1 else: padding = (kernel_size - 1) // 2 * 1 # channel-wise filtering (groups=channels) super(TimeInvFIRFilter, self).__init__( channels, channels, kernel_size, padding=padding, groups=channels, bias=None )[:, :, :] = filt_coef.flip(-1) self.weight.requires_grad = requires_grad def forward(self, x): out = super(TimeInvFIRFilter, self).forward(x) out = out[:, :, : -self.padding[0]] if self.causal else out return out class TrTimeInvFIRFilter(nn.Conv1d): """Trainable Time-invatiant FIR filter implementation H(z) = \\sigma_{k=0}^{filt_dim} b_{k}z_{-k} Note that b_{0} is fixed to 1 if fixed_0th is True. Args: channels (int): input channels filt_dim (int): FIR filter dimension causal (bool): causal tanh (bool): apply tanh to filter coef or not. fixed_0th (bool): fix the first filt coef to 1 or not. """ def __init__(self, channels, filt_dim, causal=True, tanh=True, fixed_0th=True): # Initialize filt coef with small random values init_filt_coef = torch.randn(filt_dim) * (1 / filt_dim) # assert len(filt_coef) % 2 == 1 kernel_size = len(init_filt_coef) self.causal = causal if causal: padding = (kernel_size - 1) * 1 else: padding = (kernel_size - 1) // 2 * 1 # channel-wise filtering (groups=channels) super(TrTimeInvFIRFilter, self).__init__( channels, channels, kernel_size, padding=padding, groups=channels, bias=None )[:, :, :] = init_filt_coef.flip(-1) self.weight.requires_grad = True self.tanh = tanh self.fixed_0th = fixed_0th def get_filt_coefs(self): # apply tanh for filtter stability b = torch.tanh(self.weight) if self.tanh else self.weight b = b.clone() if self.fixed_0th: b[:, :, -1] = 1 return b def forward(self, x): b = self.get_filt_coefs() out = F.conv1d( x, b, self.bias, self.stride, self.padding, self.dilation, self.groups ) if self.padding[0] > 0: out = out[:, :, : -self.padding[0]] if self.causal else out return out