Source code for nnsvs.mdn

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn

[docs] class MDNLayer(nn.Module): """Mixture Density Network layer The input maps to the parameters of a Mixture of Gaussians (MoG) probability distribution, where each Gaussian has out_dim dimensions and diagonal covariance. If dim_wise is True, features for each dimension are modeld by independent 1-D GMMs instead of modeling jointly. This would workaround training difficulty especially for high dimensional data. Implementation references: 1. Mixture Density Networks by Mike Dusenberry 2. PRML book 3. sagelywizard/pytorch-mdn 4. sksq96/pytorch-mdn Attributes: in_dim (int): the number of dimensions in the input out_dim (int): the number of dimensions in the output num_gaussians (int): the number of mixture component dim_wise (bool): whether to model data for each dimension separately """ def __init__(self, in_dim, out_dim, num_gaussians=30, dim_wise=False): super(MDNLayer, self).__init__() self.in_dim = in_dim self.out_dim = out_dim self.num_gaussians = num_gaussians self.dim_wise = dim_wise odim_log_pi = out_dim * num_gaussians if dim_wise else num_gaussians self.log_pi = nn.Linear(in_dim, odim_log_pi) self.log_sigma = nn.Linear(in_dim, out_dim * num_gaussians) = nn.Linear(in_dim, out_dim * num_gaussians)
[docs] def forward(self, minibatch): """Forward for MDN Args: minibatch (torch.Tensor): tensor of shape (B, T, D_in) B is the batch size and T is data lengths of this batch, and D_in is in_dim. Returns: torch.Tensor: Tensor of shape (B, T, G) or (B, T, G, D_out) Log of mixture weights. G is num_gaussians and D_out is out_dim. torch.Tensor: Tensor of shape (B, T, G, D_out) the log of standard deviation of each Gaussians. torch.Tensor: Tensor of shape (B, T, G, D_out) mean of each Gaussians """ B = len(minibatch) if self.dim_wise: # (B, T, G, D_out) log_pi = self.log_pi(minibatch).view( B, -1, self.num_gaussians, self.out_dim ) log_pi = F.log_softmax(log_pi, dim=2) else: # (B, T, G) log_pi = F.log_softmax(self.log_pi(minibatch), dim=2) log_sigma = self.log_sigma(minibatch) log_sigma = log_sigma.view(B, -1, self.num_gaussians, self.out_dim) mu = mu = mu.view(B, -1, self.num_gaussians, self.out_dim) return log_pi, log_sigma, mu
[docs] def mdn_loss( log_pi, log_sigma, mu, target, log_pi_min=-7.0, log_sigma_min=-7.0, reduce=True ): """Calculates the error, given the MoG parameters and the target. The loss is the negative log likelihood of the data given the MoG parameters. Args: log_pi (torch.Tensor): Tensor of shape (B, T, G) or (B, T, G, D_out) The log of multinomial distribution of the Gaussians. B is the batch size, T is data length of this batch, and G is num_gaussians of class MDNLayer. log_sigma (torch.Tensor): Tensor of shape (B, T, G ,D_out) The log standard deviation of the Gaussians. D_out is out_dim of class MDNLayer. mu (torch.Tensor): Tensor of shape (B, T, G, D_out) The means of the Gaussians. target (torch.Tensor): Tensor of shape (B, T, D_out) The target variables. log_pi_min (float): Minimum value of log_pi (for numerical stability) log_sigma_min (float): Minimum value of log_sigma (for numerical stability) reduce: If True, the losses are averaged for each batch. Returns: loss (B) or (B, T): Negative Log Likelihood of Mixture Density Networks. """ dim_wise = len(log_pi.shape) == 4 # Clip log_sigma and log_pi with log_clamp_min for numerical stability log_sigma = torch.clamp(log_sigma, min=log_sigma_min) log_pi = torch.clamp(log_pi, min=log_pi_min) # Expand the dim of target as (B, T, D_out) -> (B, T, 1, D_out) -> (B, T,G, D_out) target = target.unsqueeze(2).expand_as(log_sigma) # Center target variables and clamp them within +/- 5SD for numerical stability. centered_target = target - mu scale = torch.exp(log_sigma) edge = 5 * scale centered_target = torch.where(centered_target > edge, edge, centered_target) centered_target = torch.where(centered_target < -edge, -edge, centered_target) # Create gaussians with mean=0 and variance=torch.exp(log_sigma)^2 dist = torch.distributions.Normal(loc=0, scale=scale) log_prob = dist.log_prob(centered_target) if dim_wise: # (B, T, D_out. D_out) loss = log_prob + log_pi else: # Here we assume that the covariance matrix of multivariate Gaussian # distribution is diagonal to handle the mean and the variance in each # dimension separately. # Reference: # # log pi(x)N(y|mu(x),sigma(x)) = log pi(x) + log N(y|mu(x),sigma(x)) # log N(y_1,y_2,...,y_{D_out}|mu(x),sigma(x)) # = log N(y_1|mu(x),sigma(x))...N(y_{D_out}|mu(x),sigma(x)) # = \sum_{i=1}^{D_out} log N(y_i|mu(x),sigma(x)) # (B, T, G, D_out) -> (B, T, G) loss = torch.sum(log_prob, dim=3) + log_pi # Calculate negative log likelihood. # Use torch.log_sum_exp instead of the combination of torch.sum and torch.log # (Reference: # if dim_wise is True: (B, T, G, D_out) -> (B, T, D_out) # else (B, T, G) -> (B, T) loss = -torch.logsumexp(loss, dim=2) if reduce: # (B, T) -> (B) return torch.mean(loss, dim=1) else: # not averaged (for applying mask later) # (B, T) return loss return
# from r9y9/wavenet_vocoder/wavenet_vocoder/ def to_one_hot(tensor, n, fill_with=1.0): # we perform one hot encore with respect to the last axis one_hot = torch.FloatTensor(tensor.size() + (n,)).zero_() if tensor.is_cuda: one_hot = one_hot.cuda() one_hot.scatter_(len(tensor.size()), tensor.unsqueeze(-1), fill_with) return one_hot
[docs] def mdn_get_most_probable_sigma_and_mu(log_pi, log_sigma, mu): """Return the mean and standard deviation of the Gaussian component whose weight coefficient is the largest as the most probable predictions. Args: log_pi (torch.Tensor): Tensor of shape (B, T, G) or (B, T, G, D_out) The log of multinomial distribution of the Gaussians. B is the batch size, T is data length of this batch, G is num_gaussians of class MDNLayer. log_sigma (torch.Tensor): Tensor of shape (B, T, G, D_out) The standard deviation of the Gaussians. D_out is out_dim of class MDNLayer. mu (torch.Tensor): Tensor of shape (B, T, G, D_out) The means of the Gaussians. D_out is out_dim of class MDNLayer. Returns: tuple: tuple of torch.Tensor torch.Tensor of shape (B, T, D_out). The standardd deviations of the most probable Gaussian component. torch.Tensor of shape (B, T, D_out). Means of the Gaussians. """ dim_wise = len(log_pi.shape) == 4 _, _, num_gaussians, _ = mu.shape # Get the indexes of the largest log_pi _, max_component = torch.max(log_pi, dim=2) # (B, T) or (B, T, C_out) # Convert max_component to one_hot manner # if dim_wise: (B, T, D_out) -> (B, T, D_out, G) # else: (B, T) -> (B, T, G) one_hot = to_one_hot(max_component, num_gaussians) if dim_wise: # (B, T, G, D_out) one_hot = one_hot.transpose(2, 3) assert one_hot.shape == mu.shape else: # Expand the dim of one_hot as (B, T, G) -> (B, T, G, d_out) one_hot = one_hot.unsqueeze(3).expand_as(mu) # Multiply one_hot and sum to get mean(mu) and standard deviation(sigma) # of the Gaussians whose weight coefficient(log_pi) is the largest. # (B, T, G, d_out) -> (B, T, d_out) max_mu = torch.sum(mu * one_hot, dim=2) max_sigma = torch.exp(torch.sum(log_sigma * one_hot, dim=2)) return max_sigma, max_mu
[docs] def mdn_get_sample(log_pi, log_sigma, mu): """Sample from mixture of the Gaussian component whose weight coefficient is the largest as the most probable predictions. Args: log_pi (torch.Tensor): Tensor of shape (B, T, G) or (B, T, G, D_out) The log of multinomial distribution of the Gaussians. B is the batch size, T is data length of this batch, G is num_gaussians of class MDNLayer. log_sigma (torch.Tensor): Tensor of shape (B, T, G, D_out) The log of standard deviation of the Gaussians. D_out is out_dim of class MDNLayer. mu (torch.Tensor): Tensor of shape (B, T, G, D_out) The means of the Gaussians. D_out is out_dim of class MDNLayer. Returns: torch.Tensor: Tensor of shape (B, T, D_out) Sample from the mixture of the Gaussian component. """ max_sigma, max_mu = mdn_get_most_probable_sigma_and_mu(log_pi, log_sigma, mu) # Create gaussians with mean=max_mu and variance=max_log_sigma^2 dist = torch.distributions.Normal(loc=max_mu, scale=max_sigma) # Sample from normal distribution sample = dist.sample() return sample